The Irony of Fate.

*The Irony Of Fate *

‘Such is the Irony of Fate’.
I heard a voice whisper
As I questioned myself;
why Fate always unveils the unexpected.
I cannot understand
no matter how hard I try to.
Even though I know I can’t
unfold this logic of Fate,
I still intend to
Many wanted to
escape fate’s call.
No man can
and this is the truth.
The road is always narrow
For those with good intentions,
and this is the sad reality.
The good don’t always win
because they have to play fair.
Many have given up
But yet,
Fate is cruel.
But I would still say,
embrace it.
When you face your own Fate,
accept it with courage.
Because you have to
Fulfill your Destiny.

NB- This poem can be read from top to bottom as well
as bottom to top. In
both ways, the message remains unaffected

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