The Discourse of Sowing; Your seed, Your Choice.

The mystery of growth is literally beyond human control, whether in man, in animals, or plants. In plants, the science of sowing and the act of harvesting is in three stages. First is the burying of the seed. Next is the period of the growth of the seed. Then, the time to harvest the yields of the seed. Between these stages, the farmer is only present in two stages, the time of sowing and the time of harvesting. During the second stage, the sower goes about his normal routine as the seed grows naturally. He trusts the soil to bring about the growth, which eventually happens, and ushers the harvest. However, to a large extent, the type of seed sowed and the richness of the soil determines the richness of the harvest. Since the soil is naturally rich or can be boosted to be fertile, selecting and sowing a good seed becomes paramount in expecting a rich harvest.

The life we live is synonymous with a seed and the way we live it is the act of sowing. As we live, we sow different seeds that germinate and grow even though we do not see anything dramatic happening. Just Like the farmer has no involvement in the growth of the seed but trusts the soil to make it happen, the seeds we sow grow independently until harvest time.

There are numerous ways to sow seeds that yield bountiful harvests in the future.

  1. By care and compassion towards others.
  2. By forgiveness especially in tough circumstances.
  3. By being on the side of justice, exposing evil, and doing the right things.
  4. By support and availability towards others in time of their need.
  5. By acts of charity and benevolence without expecting anything in return.
  6. By tolerance and being non-judgemental towards others.
  7. By offering prayers of thanksgiving and gratitude towards God and others.
  8. By upholding good conduct and living a godly life.
  9. By diligence in school, at work, and any place of service.
  10. By humility and respect towards others

Jesus Christ describes the power of sowing rightfully in different passages of the bible. The parable of the mustard seed (Mark 4:30-32) exposes the power in the little and the insignificance of the size of the seed sowed. It stresses the amazing contrast between the tiny seed and the vast outcome resulting from its growth. The small seed eventually became a great seed on which the birds built their nest. It further shows that the nature of one’s beginning may be little but does not determine the outcome of one’s future. Again, it conveys the understanding that the tiniest deed of goodness can evolve tremendous outcomes.

The world is full of mysteries. Some beginnings may be modest, low, and insignificant, but the endings magnificent and glorious. To some, it’s the other way around, born with a silver spoon, raised by influential parents but ends up living in penury. The difference between these two is in the kind of seed sowed in their paths of life.

This calls for self-reflection of the life we live generally, the way we relate to others, the tasks we embark on, and the commitments we show. We are reminded each day that the seed we sow is what we expect to reap. One can not sow an orange and expect a mango or sow pawpaw and expect a watermelon. A good harvest is a result of good seeds, on good soil, in a good season.

The obvious manifestation of life through the seed we sow is so deep that the harvest goes beyond the life we live to eternal life. As Christians, we were taught that after our sojourn on earth, those who sow good seeds on earth inherit God’s kingdom and the world of paradise. Those who sowed bad seeds will be welcomed at the gate of hell.

Children need to learn the significance of sowing rightfully and doing so on time. Some adults have made mistakes that they live to regret all the days of their lives. Some have their past haunting them for one blunder they made or the other. To live a secure and meaningful life, you must choose to sow the seeds that yield it. God expects that each of us live in anticipation of a great harvest.

Charles Reade gave a very inspiring quote about sowing when he said” Sow a thought, and you reap an act, Sow an act, and you reap a habit, Sow a habit and you reap a character, Sow a character, and you reap a destiny”. In all, change what you are sowing if you don’t like what you are reaping!

โœ๏ธ Amala Ann Unachukwu

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