Tag: childcare


Be Watchful and Alert

About two days ago, my friend in Ikorodu called and said we should rejoice with her. She said that the school bus came for her children in the morning but she told the driver to leave cos the kids were sick. The driver went to pick other kids but fortunately they weren’t ready so their […]

Intentional Parenting

Intentional Parenting

I was to write my GCE examination, mathematics to be precise,  on Monday, May 28, 1990. Unfortunately, I took ill on Sunday the 27th. You may be wondering how I am able to remember the date and day of the week after more than three decades Well, that’s one of those peculiar gifts God endowed me […]

Child Intelligence


You all know these potatoes on the picture, it’s called WHITE/BAKING POTATOES or IRIS POTATOES.Potatoes have been found by research to increase children’s intelligence.POTATOES is a secret natural stimulant used in boosting brain activity, improving brain/memory retention, increasing energy, positive thoughts and guides great decision making…but how?Potatoes is one of many few vegetables loaded with […]

Child Upbringing

Child Upbringing

Daddy, don’t wear ordinary boxer at home, you sit down, your ‘thing’ is dangling and your daughter is seeing it. There are things you should not wear beyond your bedroom, just for your spouse. Don’t say because you want to enjoy your freedom in your house. It’s not your house alone, it’s a family house/home. […]


Is Your Daughter Being Groomed?

I remembered an incident that happened last year. I have her permission to share without revealing names or locations. Also some details have been changed.A mother asked to use her fifteen year old daughter’s phone for some days while her own phone was being repaired.WhatsApp messages dropped on the phone. Her daughter passworded her WhatsApp […]