Episode 11


Nkpuru onye kuru ka o ga aghota 1

He watched her curiously from his chair, a small frown on his face. There was something off about her, something he couldn’t quite place his hands. Why was she acting odd around him, he wondered. She had always been a puzzle to him, maybe that’s why he couldn’t get her off his system.

One minute she was warm and receptive to him, clinging dearly on him as if her life depended on him; the next minute she was all aloof. But today was different, she seemedโ€ฆ agitated, scared. She has never been afraid of him. Yes she despised him during the first year of their relationship because he had given her no other choice than be his lover but she had never been scared of him. At least not openly as written all over her now.

Something was up. It wasn’t about the money he had left in her house. It was the first thing he had checked in the empty room where he hid it the moment he got here. It was safe and intact. He was the only one that had access to the room. He had made sure of that. What exactly could be her problem?

“Are you alright Julian?” He asked, sipping slowly on the water she had offered him.
“Am fine. Why do you ask?” She replied, plastering a weak smile on her beautiful face.
“Is anythingโ€ฆor anyone troubling you?
“Enough of these questions Patrick. Am okay. It’s just my time of the month and I feel abit down.” She said, not meeting his eyes.

She was lying, he thought. Why would she lie to him. Well there was only one way to find out.

He stood up from his seat and scooped her possessively from her chair, a small protest escaping her.

“What areโ€ฆ what are you doing Patrick?” She stammered, staring dagger at him.
“I want you babe, that’s what am doing.” He smiled, walking with her towards her bedroom.
“Noโ€ฆIโ€ฆI just told youโ€ฆam on my period. You can’t possiblyโ€ฆ”
“I don’t have a problem with that babe.” He cut short her stutter.
” Stop it Patrick, put me down. You can’t seriously think of doing this afterโ€ฆ”
“Then why did you call me over?” He asked still walking towards his destination.
” I was feeling bored and wanted company. You never allow me invite visitors over. I could think of nothing else to do.” She shouted almost near hysteria.

He put her down then, roughly jerking her to face him. Her face was clouded with genuine fear now, her eyes still unable to meet his. His instinct has never deceived him beforeโ€ฆhe was very certain she was lying.

Was she cheating on him? Was she seeing someone else despite his warning? Is that it? But why would she call him over if she was seeing someone. She wouldn’t have wanted him around if another man was in the picture. He had thought she wanted them rumpling in bed when she had called and slyly invited him over. He had hurriedly left home with the excuse of going for a business. Now here she stood before him, frightened as a wet cat with the excuse of seeing her period!

And then it struck him. She was never on her menstrual cycle by this time of the month, he knew her chat by heart!

“Why are you lying Julian?” He asked, unable to stop the raw anger from his voice.
“What are you talking about?” She asked her voice sounding low, tears welling uncontrollably on her eyes.
“You areโ€ฆyou are frightening me Patrick. I told you I needed your company but am beginning to regret calling you over. I do all you ask of me, I stand by you casting my own life to the background. What more do you want from me Patrickโ€ฆwhat more?” She was crying now. A silent sound that left him confused.
“Yes I lied about my time of the month because you left me no choice. You were been unnecessarily suspicious and I could think of no other excuse. I feelโ€ฆI feel depressed Patrick. I have been feeling this way for days now. Am scared of being alone least I do something sinister to myself. I could think of no one else to rely on.” She cried on, her small shoulder visibly shaking from her sobs.

He took her into his arms, consoling her softly until she was calm, feeling foolish for doubting her. No wonder she had looked agitated. But why this sudden state of mind. Was it because of the ransom money he left in her house? He asked.

“No no noโ€ฆit’s not that!” She answered quickly.
“I have been this way for a long time now.”
He left her house late in the night after they had had a long discussion of her problem. He would have to find her a reliable psychotherapist fast. He couldn’t afford to have anything happen to her. But first thing first, he would have one of his boys monitor her closely least she harmed herself in his absence.

The dark conspicuous car and the two alert Detectives followed the departing target, giving him a wide berth.

They had been seriously instructed not to allow their target spot them and not to lose him either. It was a good thing he left the woman’s house by this time of the night. He had made their job easier.

They followed behind for one and half hour, slowing down poles away when the target stopped in front of a gigantic intimidating black gate. The target rode in seconds later and the Detectives drove through, watching as the gate was shut close from inside.

They didn’t get a glimpse of the house but that wasn’t necessary. They had what they wanted, a face and an address. Every other thing would soon fall in place.

@Oraka Judith

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