Episode 10


Onye ma mmadu na egbu ya

Chief Superintendent Odi stared speechlessly at the gorgeously beautiful woman that sat opposite him, quiet and white from fright. He couldn’t believe what he has just heard. Could this be his lucky break in his job?

Seven years…seven good years he had prayed for such miracle to happen to him, if only to shut the gossips who thinks his smooth rise in the force was all thanks to his Uncle at the top. This was finally going to be it. This pretty woman was going to be his ticket to success.

Oh how he would fine tune this to his advantage. He would call in the press, the stakeholders, everyone important and make a public speech so the case wouldn’t be stripped from him when he finally made the catch. And to think he shouldn’t have been on seat today. Fate or whatever that brings good luck was definitely on his side, he thought.

But first, he had to be sure this woman wasn’t a farce. She didn’t look it. In short she looked like she would die of fear any minute, except she was such a good actress. She didn’t look it too.

She had just whistle blown on the most sought after notorious kidnapper in the state and had given details that sounded too good to be false.

Though a bounty had been mapped out for any citizen who could come up with relevant information about the unknown kidnappers, it was yet to be announced and he doubted the lady was here because of the money.

“…I will prefer not to mention my name sir. My life is already in danger telling you about him. I will be dead if he finds out I…” She stopped and swallowed fearfully.

How did such beautiful lady get herself associated with such unscrupulous human? He wondered. He asked her this and saw her swallow tightly.

“He threatened to kill me if I ever exposed him. He kept me hostage for months, torturing me until I agreed never to betray him when I found out what he really was. Am still alive today only because I accepted to be…to be his lover.” She answered, small tears gathering in her eyes. She watched him secretly through her tearful eyes, hoping he bought her acts. Her freedom from Patrick and prison depended on it.

Chief Superintendent Odi felt pity for her. Who knows what she must have suffered in the hands of that monster. Now it was all up to him. He would protect her with his dying breath. He knew very well there were lots of snitches in the force, who knows some of them could even be working with this dreaded kidnapper. It was a good thing she had refused to reveal her identify.

” Why did you decide to rattle him off and risk your life?” He asked unable to contain his curiosity.
“It’s what any law abiding citizen should do. Speak out when they see evil.” She sniffed.

He nodded at her reply, impressed by her bravery.

“Let’s take it from the top once more young lady.” He smiled at her, hoping to ease her fear.
“What is his name?” He asked bringing out a pen and jolting pad to take down the information.
” He goes by many names sir…Dale, Idaa, Ansley, Patrick…but his surname is…Kwase.” She answered, wringing her fingers nervously.
“Continue.” He cajoled.
“He’s from Ngene in Akwabi State. He has a wife and two children…he lives with them in his house in…Igana Street, Upper Silin road. I don’t know the number of his house. He has many other houses scattered around the state.”
“His hideout, do you know where that is?” He asked, his excitement building up as she spilled more information.
“No sir. He has never disclosed this.
“His gang members, do you know them?”
“Not facially sir. Just their names. They are five in numbers.”
“Can you call out their names?”

She did, her wringed hands almost red now.

“Miss… I can’t tell you how proud I am that you came forward and did this despite all the risk involved. However, I have one more favor to ask.”
“What is it sir?” She asked her voice sounding small.
“You told me he comes to your house every now and then am I right?”

She nodded slowly, saying nothing.

“You see, we need a face to the name you’ve given us. Just a face and you can leave the rest to us.”

She still didn’t say anything but stared back at him, the terror coming back to her eyes.

“We will mount surveillance around your house, not close…I promise he won’t suspect or see my men around. Once he comes visiting and we get a face, we will start tracking him from there. You have nothing to fear from us…just give us a date for his visit, act natural, nothing will go wrong, I promise.”
“You want me to be a bait?” She asked edging out from her seat.

Chief Superintendent Odi nodded.

“And you say nothing will go wrong?” She frowned
“I give you my word.” He replied solemnly.

She laughed then, a hearty laughter and it was his turn to edge out from his seat.

“You can’t give such promises sir.” She said icily.
“He has a few of your boys under his payroll. How can everything not go wrong?”

@Oraka Judith

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