Episode 9


Onye aghogbulu ka agbalu.

Queeneth watched the news through her mobile phone in awe, her heart heavy from the evil been perpetuated in the society by heartless persons. She saw the widow of the deceased weeping and clutching onto her only child as she begged the government for justice.

It was all over the internet. A promising young man who happened to be the driver of a banker had been murdered in cold blood, in broad daylight. His employer, the banker was no where to be found and social media rumor had it that she had been kidnapped.

Queeneth shuddered at the thought of been held captive by menโ€ฆand maybe women of such vile heart for over days. She wasn’t sure she would ever survive such ordeal if it happened to her. What that poor woman must be going through now! She groaned. It has been two days and nothing has been heard about her.

Why were people so wicked and desperate, feeding from the sweat and toils of innocent people all in the name of getting rich quick. Only fools would resort to such hideous means all for wealth, she thought with disgust.

She had to be careful from now on, her husband too. It was obvious these kidnappers only abducted those who they deemed wealthy. She would also warn him about his late nights. What would she do if such fate befell him, how would she survive with the kids. They both have to be very careful with the way they showed their affluence, she sighed.

She called him that evening when he didn’t return home by past nine.

“โ€ฆ It’s no longer safe staying this late Ansley, what if something bad happens. Have you see the new?” She asked fretting.

He assured her he was fine and told her not to worry. Easier said than done, she sighed again as she ended the call.

God please protect him from harm’s way. She prayed silently, her hands clasped together, her heart sober.

Julian frowned as she read the details of the news for the umpteenth time.

This was definitely the handiwork of Patrick -or what ever his name was- and his boys. He went by many names and she no longer knew which was his real one.

Why had they shot someone? He had promised her he would no longer kill his victims. He had given her his words so why this? He had also refused to pick her calls for the past two days.

She was dying from worry over this, not for him but for herself. What would become of her if he was caught and she was indicted too for knowing about his escapades all these while and keeping silence. The law was no friend to accomplices. She knew this because her twin brother was still in prison owing to the mere fact that he knew the perpetrator of a crime but said nothing.

She couldn’t afford to suffer such fate too, prison was no place for women.

He came to her house three days later, a smug smile on his face. He had wired a large amount of money into her account hours ago, an indication that his kidnapped victim has paid her ransom.

“Am sorry I didn’t pick your call these past days. Business called.” He said embracing her possessively.
“We are millions richer babe, it calls for celebration” He laughed.
“What about the woman? Where is she?”Julian asked, eyeing him warily.
“She should be with her family now. We released her before I left the den.” He shrugged indifferently.
“Why did you kill the driver?” She asked coldly, distancing herself from him and wishing she could do same with their relationship.
“I didn’t babeโ€ฆ”
“Your boys did hmmm. You were with them weren’t you?” She fired, suddenly irritated by his presence. Did he think he could continue buying her off with his blood money?
“Come on babe don’t be mad. Cross pulled the trigger, he wanted to shatter the car’s window and the bullet mistakenly hit the driver. He was only collateral damage.” He said with his signature one sided smile.
“You killed a man in cold blood Patrick and you call it unintentional?” She frowned deeply.
“Enough of this attitude Julian! What is wrong with you today. You have always known how unstable our line of business is. Accident happens.” He stormed, his eyes clouding menacingly.
“Let’s not fight over this Julian. I need a big favor from you. The ransom money, I need a place to stash it for a few days. I can’t take it home and I can’t leave it at our hideout. I don’t want to leave town just yet so I can’t move it out of the state. I want to keep it here, in your place but only for a few days.”
” Oh noโ€ฆno no Patrick, you know I hate to involve myself with yourโ€ฆbusiness. I can’t continue keepingโ€ฆ such money in my house for you. What ifโ€ฆ”
“I can trust no other person. Besides there’s nothing to worry about. We covered our tracks perfectly.”
“How much are we talking about this time?” She asked.
“200 millionโ€ฆ”
Julian gasped cutting him short. He couldn’t possibly think she would keep such amount money in her house for him! Hell she has never ever come across such amount in her life. Why would she risk everything to hold on to such amount of money for him. Many a times he had hidden ransom money in her house but never this much. The Police will surely be after him over this. She wouldn’t go to jail because of his greed!
“I can’t do this Patrick! It’s too much. What ifโ€ฆ”
“Cut it out Julian. I told you we are on the clear. I just need a place to keep it briefly until the case is forgotten. You’ve done this before, why the cold feet now?” He barked, jerking her roughly.

Julian swallowed tightly at his reaction. She should tread carefully, she thought, squashing down anymore protest. He was dangerous and brutal. She couldn’t piss him off except she wanted her life on the line. How had she allowed herself entangle with him all these years?

She could still remember how it had all started six years ago. They had met in an eatery, she as innocent as a green leaf and heโ€ฆhe had been trouble from the outset. He had pasted her, threatened her, stalked her until she had fearfully accepted to be his lover. He provided her all her needs with a warning that she never cheated on him. He had wanted to make her his wife but she had adamantly refused. He however made her his property, his sex toy, his muse and her house had become his temporal stashing zone.

She didn’t complain as he gave her generously after every deal. He had even built her this house, he changed her car every two years, flew her out of the country frequently and opened her a boutique that stocked only Turkey wears. She was living the life. But now she was tired of it all.

She was in a dilemma, in a maze and may end up bearing the brunt of it all. She needed her freedom, she wanted her life but what could she do?

@ Oraka Judith

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