Episode 8

Chi ewere ehihie jie

Mrs. Sarah Ona was feeling sleepy as she sat comfortably at the back of her new Prado Jeep. Her driver of six years knew his onions when it came to driving. They were on their way home after a stress spiteful day at the office.

Being the regional manager of one of the top three banks in the country was not a task for weaklings. It had taken her years of hard work, untold sacrifice and determination to climb this high in a profession that was almost hard to grind. The late nights, deadline struggle and every other huddles her job had threw at her had done a number on her life, especially her family life but here she was today triumphant and the victor.

Picking up her phone which was lying on her laps she rang her husband. They were suppose to go on a date tonight and she was looking forward to it. His voice came through on the third ring causing her to smile sweetly but that was as much as Mrs. Ona went as the car came to an abrupt stop, upsetting the phone from her hand.

“My goodness Peter, what sort of driving is this?” She shouted angrily at the driver.
“Madam something is wrong. There’s a road block up ahead but there has never been any checkpoint within this area before.” Peter said watching the road intently.
“Are there no police men stationed near the road block?” She asked, craning her neck to see ahead.
“No ma and I haven’t seen any incoming car for the past two minutes.”

Mrs. Ona didn’t doubt any of her driver’s observations, he was a very vigilant young man and she trusted him.

“I will have to reverse back so we canโ€ฆ”
“Get down from the car!” A rough voice shouted from out side shocking them both.

It was a manโ€ฆor maybe a boy on black mask with an Automatic Kalashnikov-47 pointed directly at her driver. Where had he materialized from?

“Get down now or you die!” Another voice boomed at the window close to her. He too was carrying a gun. She could see he was trying to open her door but it was on lock.

The car was soon surrounded from all angles, in a space of seconds, the angry voices of the hoodlums immobilizing her driver and herself. They were six in numbers, each with a deadly looking gun.

A gun shot exploded then and a shattering sound followed, imploding the driver’s side window. Mrs Ona watched in horror as Peter slumped lifelessly to his right, his blood splattering the entire car. She screamed then, her fear clouding her senses.

A gloved hand opened the central lock from the gaping hole on the damaged widow and her side of the car was jerked open immediately, another hand dragging her out roughly. She didn’t know she was still screaming until a sharp palm connected with her jaw, almost snapping it.

She was pushed into another car as quickly, a dark hood coming over her face as they sped away with her, leaving Peter at the pool of his blood.

It felt so surreal, the entire scene but for the strange voices she was hearing around her and the cramp feelings of her legs from being stuffed in their middle.

“You shot him!” One said incredulously beside her.
“Why did you pull the fucking trigger?” Another thundered authoritatively from the front seat
“He was wasting time. I only meant to shatter the car’s window.” The shooter said defensively behind her.
“You know the rules! There could have been other means to open the damn door.” The authoritative voice said.
“Am sorry boss.”The shooter said without remorse.

Mrs. Ona listened to all these, her fear making her hyperventilate. She sat very still between them, afraid to move a limb hence they became aware of her presence. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t breathe, she felt stifled.

The car sped on for a long time, she couldn’t tell how long. It slowed down after what seemed like eternity and again she was roughly jerked out from it, her jelly legs unable to hold her weight. Two hard hands clasped under her arms to hold her, she was silently grateful for the support and clinged onto it.

The hood was still on her head as the hands led her quickly into what seemed like a house. She was placed on a chair, her hands and legs bounded tightly, probably to stall her from escaping.

Escaping! She swallowed, her fear returning in full. Would she come out from this alive? What would they do to her? Who were they?

The many questions crazily plagued her with no forthcoming answers. She didn’t know anything about what would happen to her, but one thing was crystal clear.

She has been kidnapped.

@Oraka Judith

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