Final Episode


They watched it together, a triumphant smile on their faces. It was finally over, the long wait, the looking behind shoulders. Now they were both freeโ€ฆat least to a reasonable extent.

“This calls for a celebration Tony, what do you think?” Julian asked purring and rubbing her bosom on Tony as she wrapped her hands around him.
“You got it right angel.” Tony smiled broadly, holding her waist.
“I will get the wine.” He added, making his way into the wine bar stationed adjacent to the sitting room.
“And I will get some cheesy popcorn. I made some this afternoon, just the way you like it.” Julian winked making for the kitchen.

Tony watched her leave, the playful smile disappearing from his face.

Well the wait was over with the boss out of the way. He had waited this long for this day, he wouldn’t wait any longer. He wouldn’t be as stupid as his boss, trusting this Delilah. She was cunning, manipulative and knows too much. He also couldn’t continue sharing the money which was depleting faster than they anticipated with her.

He had accepted her offer to betray the boss because he wanted it all. Why should he continue to be a side dog waiting on the crumbles that falls from his master’s plate when he could be a master himself. He wanted his own gang, his own gig. His ambition wouldn’t be possible with the boss free or alive. So here he was, a Judas but he didn’t care.

He had even gone as far as snuffing the life out of Kasidy. The boy had foolishly wanted to play the hero. He had asked him to return back to the den as the boss had instructed but the boy had not listened. He had stayed back, saw him kiss Julian when they both stepped out and had been daft enough to confront him about it. He had been given no other choice, he couldn’t allow Kasidy spill the bean so he had shot him multiple times at close range.

All man for himself and Julian was the remaining obstacle to his dream. If he let her live, she would cling to him like she did the boss and gradually suck life off him. He wouldn’t be that stupid. She thought he did all he did for her, let her dream on.

He brought out two glasses and her favorite wine. Adjusting some wine bottles, he stretched his hands behind the cabinet until he found what he was looking for. A small black bottle filled with botulinum. He had prepared for this day.

Julian returned from the kitchen, a tray in hand, the smell of the cheesy popcorn preceding her. She placed it on the table gently and waited as Tony brought the filled glasses of wine. He handed her one of the glasses.

She could see he was still smiling triumphantly. Men! She mused. How gullible they can be. She watched him sit heavily beside her, digging into the bowl of popcorn without hesitation. Well, now she would finally be free from the lots of them. His presence had only been a liability to her and the money.

It had been two years ago when Patrick had introduced her to his second in command. She had only started having thoughts of being free from him. She had known her plans of escaping Patrick would only be possible if she had someone who knew him too well on her side. Tony had matched perfectly.

She had enticed him, seduced him until he had fall for her. He had wanted one thing in return, the downfall of his boss. He wanted to be a boss of his own. There was truly no honor amongst thieves. She had no problem with that, it served her purpose too. They could both get what they wanted, it was a win win. Only she was yet to get all she wanted.

She wasn’t going to subject herself to yet another bondage with yet another egoistic man. He had told her he wanted her all to himselfโ€ฆjust like Patrick! And he had been busy for the past eight months squandering her money!

It ends today. She thought sipping on her wine as she continued watching him devour the popcorn laced with heavy dose of cyanide.

Tony let out a small belch before sipping on his own wine.

“I enjoyed it.” He smiled at her. She knew how much he loves chessy popcorn.
“Am glad you did.” She replied sipping on her wine. He knew how much she loves wine.

Well, this was it, let the wait beginโ€ฆ

@Oraka Judith.

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