Episode 14


Ife nwere mbido nwekwara njedebe

He woke up this morning to the thought of his late mother and her favorite adage ‘ukwa ruo oge ya odaa’. It had stayed with him all day, making him restless with premonitions. He felt uneasy and foreboding as if his world was coming to an end and couldn’t tell why.

He had wanted to stay back home for the day however he had some loosed ends to tie in the den. His boys were already there when he arrived.

Tony and Kasidy still missing.

It has been eight months ago and up untill now he had no information regarding the whereabout of his boys. Initially, he had thought their disappearance had something to do with the job, maybe they had been captured by the Police but as the days spanned into weeks then months he decided it wasn’t the case. Sergeant Sergio had assured him they were not in Police custody. A private investigator he had contracted had been unable to come up with any plausible explanation. It was as if they had vanished into thin air. Had Julian roped them into betraying him for the money?

Julian the bitch! He had also being unable to find her. She has professionally disappear with his money leaving no trace. She wasn’t that smart. He was certain she had help or maybe helps. Who else would help her escape him if not those who knew him too well?

It had all baffled him, it still does.

Feeling suddenly hot even though the weather was balmy and cool, he put on the air conditioner in the small room space he had overtime converted into his office. It also served as his weapon room with a number of sophisticated guns lined up around.

He had only just made himself comfortable on the single chair in the room when he heard rough voices, shouting and gun shots renting the air around his den.

He stood up slowly from the chair, his jammed brain in confusion. What was going on outside? Have they been found out? Sergeant Sergio had given no information they were been traced. It couldn’t beโ€ฆ

His disarrayed thoughts were cut short when his door was almost reaped from it’s hinges and a smiling Sergeant Sergio waltzed in pointing a Koch G36 rifle at his chest. He knew then the Sergeant was here to kill him.

Helpless and at a disadvantage, he watched fixed as Sergeant Sergio lifted the safety of the gun, his finger enclosing around the trigger.

He didn’t see the other Detective walked up behind the Sergeant, he didn’t see the little tussle that ensued between the two officers. All he saw was his mother’s pitiful eyes staring at him from her death bed. All he heard was a deafening gun shot that exploded before him.

The seven o’clock News was buzzling with the details of the biggest burst made by the police since the history of the state. The most wanted, dreaded, deadly and elusive kidnappers that have terrorised the state for the past five years have been captured.

The Chief Superintendent of Police, Odi could be seen on air rattling off how his expertise and the diligence of his boys bursted the case. He took the credit, gloating into the many microphones and cameras thrusted on his puffy face.

A young reporter came on air in an open field giving more explanation as a shot of the criminals was zoomed in for viewers. Their numerous weapons arranged beside them.

Queeneth walked into her sitting room just then, her interest piqued as the faces of the criminals came into view. She had not followed the news from the beginning, she was however glad over the development. The state would have a breather of fresh air from these hoodlums, she mused.

And then she froze. Sitting among three other of the suspects and wearing a forlorn expression was none other than Ansley, her husband!

It couldn’t beโ€ฆ there’s was definitely a mistake somewhereโ€ฆ Ansley wasn’t a kidnapperโ€ฆ he couldn’t be! He was a legitimate businessman running chains of lucrative mega millions deals all over the country. Why would the police make such grave blunder? And they were calling him Patrick.That was not his name!

She saw his left thigh then, bandaged and bleeding. They had shot him! The faces of his alleged gang members came into view next, two were sitting close to her husband while the other was lying motionless on the bare floor. Was he dead?

Queeneth stifled a cry as one of the gang members who looked more like a young boy fingered her husband as the kingpin of the gang. He was singing like a bird now, listing all the crimes they have committed while pleading for mercy from the law.

Ansleyโ€ฆa kidnapper? She had lived with a kidnapper for five years, birthed two children for him and had no clue! It all made sense nowโ€ฆhis many late nights, his absence, his secrecy whenever she asked him about things. How would she face society, her wealthy friends, her family after this?

She didn’t wait to watch the news to the end. She hurried up into his room for his documents, her head thinking of his many assets she could quickly liquidate before the State got its hand on them.

@Oraka Judith

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