Episode 12

Nkpuru onye kuru ka o ga aghota 2

Kasidy sat still in the hot old Ford, wishing the boss hadn’t singled him out for this stakeout on his girlfriend.

He was positioned right across her resident, watching the house that looked deserted but for a single electric bulb shining and expectantly awaiting night fall.

He could see the inside of her compound from his position owing to the low fencing policy in the area. He wouldn’t stay long too because of the policy against idle loitering and to this he was grateful.

He had not spotted the boss’s girlfriend today. She was probably inside her cozy home having the time of her life while he was out here sweating out. Boss had said she was unwell and he would be calling the chick intervally. Kasidy’s duty was to find his way into her house and check on her if the boss couldn’t reach her on phone.

She was a sight for sore eyes, that Julian! He could see why the boss was so obsessed with her.

Adjusting himself uncomfortably in the stuffy car he checked his wrist watch, noting he had only been here for twenty minutes. He would have to think of a perfect excuse to pull himself out of this tomorrow, he mused angrily.

A black car slowly drove up to her house then, parking some few feet away from him. He watched as a stocky man climbed out unhurriedly, his dark sunglasses shading his face. He looked like a boy in blue but Kasidy wasn’t sure. The man moved towards her gate and rang once on it.

Few seconds later, Kasidy watched the boss’s girlfriend stepped out of her house, her bum short barely covering her thigh, her top cropped. He could see her face, unsmiling and tight. Who ever her visitor was made her uncomfortable. She didn’t open the gate. They spoke for some minutes from across the locked gate then the man gave her a light nod before moving back to his car.

The boss’s girlfriend stared after his departing figure not for once spotting Kasidy. She mouthed something before turning on her heel back into the house.

Not another lover, Kasidy thought. Who was the man? He wondered. Maybe the boss would know. He brought out his phone then to call the boss when his eyes caught the plate number of the strange man’s departing car.

A green number meant one thingโ€ฆan official car. Maybe his first assumption of the man was right after all. But what would a cop want with the boss’s girlfriend?

He listened tight lips at Kasidy’s excited recounts of what had happened at Julian’s seconds ago.

What could a police officer want with her? He frowned. Maybe Kasidy was wrong.

“Do you still see the car?” He asked stiffly.
“Yes boss.” Kasidy replied hesitantly.
“I can spot it but it’s many distance away.”
“Follow it!” He ordered.

He waited patiently for Kasidy’s feedback, his inside churning, his head sprouting different possibilities if Kasidy was right.

He got the call one hour later, a small dread filling him. The man had drove from Julian’s home to a police station without another stop.

He called his informant, Sergeant Sergio when he ended the call with Kasidy.

“Nothing is on ground Dale, none from headquarters or from around here.” Sergeant Sergio assured him.
” Are you sure something is not cooking? It could be but you have no clueโ€ฆI meanโ€ฆ”
“Stop fretting will you. We have our ears out for such information. Go about your business, we will alert you if there’s anything.” Sergeant Sergio barked ending the call.

He stared bemused at the phone on his hand, his instinct all at alert. Something was up. He has been having this nagging feeling all week that something was up. But what? He didn’t know.

Could he continue to trust Sergeant Sergio and his accomplice at the headquarters? What if they sold him out? Set him up? They wouldn’t dare! He raged. He would make sure they all go down together even if it was the last thing he did.

On the other hand was Julian. She knew too much about him. She had every details about him on her palm. Could she betray him? Had he trusted her too much?

He called Tony his second in command and gave him the assignment of watching Julian. He wanted to know everything she did henceforth. He would take no chances.

The supermarket was crowded being a weekend but Julian made her way skillfully to the rolls for bags and luggages. She picked two double decked identical ones, paid quickly for them at the counter and hurried home. She needed them for the money.

Oh what she would do with such huge sum. It had cemented her move, her decision to sell him to the police. It would all be hers.

She had been so stupid not to have left town knowing what would happen soon. She hadn’t given it much thought until the visit from the bulky Detective who had come to tell her he was sent by the Chief Superintendent to be her bodyguard until the case was cracked.

The idea of having a bodyguard had Shaked her greatly, opening her eyes to the danger she was in. She had blatantly refused the offer though, asking him to leave her vicinity and never return. She was scared Patrick might spot him around her if she allowed him stay. He alone won’t be able to protect her from Patrick’s wrath. He had believed her lie of been depressed yesterday. He had even gone as far as scheduling a session with a psychotherapist for her and called her almost every hour to check on her. But for how long will that water hold? He was a very smart man, sooner or later he would find out the truth.

Or worst, he may come for the money!

Her best chance was to skip town now with the cash and start anew. She couldn’t wait until the Police had him in their net. That may take longer than she thought.

She got home and ran straight into her house like one whose tail was on fire, completely oblivious of the saloon car that had followed her all day.

@Oraka Judith

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