Child Upbringing

Child Upbringing

Daddy, don’t wear ordinary boxer at home, you sit down, your ‘thing’ is dangling and your daughter is seeing it. There are things you should not wear beyond your bedroom, just for your spouse. Don’t say because you want to enjoy your freedom in your house. It’s not your house alone, it’s a family house/home. You are putting your children into sexual bondage through these acts. The initiation starts from home.

Mummy, wearing ordinary bra around the house in the presence of your sons is dangerous. Yes, they won’t lust after you, but you might be messing up with their sensuality; and increasing their curiosity to see the breasts of ladies out there.
Let’s stop being ‘pornographic materials’ to our children. Raising sexually pure children, it begins at home.’ It begins with me and you.

My Counsel:
Thank you very much for the issues raised in family porn. It is still our responsibility to build virtue into our family. We need to learn from others.
Still on building virtuous homes. Look at this:
Please, carefully look into the list below to see where you may want to make amends on yourself or the young ones you are caring for.
Children, if not properly groomed may never get to the top in life, even if the parents are at the top of their career.
Manners take you to where your education can’t take you, irrespective of your status, money or the “who you know” factor
This is not meant to hurt anyone or pinpoint on someone for their upbringing. Its a general message targeted to all the parents of today.
1. Going to your child’s school dressed indecently? Think again.
2. Speaking rashly to your child’s teacher.
3. Cursing, using foul words or swearing in front of your children.
4. Using makeup on children.
5. Dressing with tight clothes and indecently for children (they loose the sense of their princesshood and may not listen to you in future)
6. Your child holds the cup or glassware by the brim and you don’t make a correction.
7. Your children don’t greet and you just feel they will come around one day because they have a mood swing. (You will be blamed for it)
8. Your children eat with their mouth opened and you feel they will grow up some day.
9. Your children brought home something you did not buy for them and you said nothing. (That is the beginning of stealing)
10. They talked back at you and you concluded it’s okay since you’re a 21st century mummy. (You will hate yourself if they do that outside and they are disciplined)
11. They interrupt when you are speaking with another adult and you think they are bold and clever. (It’s really bad manners)
12. They exercise authority over their nanny and domestic staff and you let them be. (That is bad parenting)
13. They say things like “my driver is on his way…”
I am not an advocate that children should call your domestic staff aunty or brother but, calling them by names when they are not young people is not poise either. The use of Miss, Mr or Mrs will look good on them.
14. Your children don’t say- ‘Thank you’ when they have been helped or served something. They don’t know how to say “please” when they need someone for help; and you are cool with that. (Bad parenting)
15. When your children cannot stand children who are less privileged.
16. When they pick their nose with their hands.
17. When they don’t wash their hands after visiting the washroom.
18. When your children take something from the fridge without taking permission. (Bad parenting)
19. When your children don’t knock on closed doors.
20. When your children don’t collect from your hands the stuff you brought in as you walk in through the door.
21. When your children request for a bribe to carry out their home chores or extra task. (That is disgraceful)
22. When your children act like their grandparents are irritating them.
23. When your children have not learnt to get up from the chair for the elderly or visitors to sit.
24. When your child tells a lot of lies. (You will both cry in the future if such is not put to check)
25. When your child asks “who is that?” at a knock on your door instead of “please, who is there.”
26. When your child is always seated by your visitors when being served drinks etc.
27. When your children still point their fingers at other people.
28. When your children play and jump around when prayers are going on. (age 4 above).

Further to the seeming moral decadence, and falling spate of discipline in the education sector,
 it will be good, if we as life builders, will discourage the pupils and students in dressing like adults in all of the school’s events like the End of year activities and the prize giving day/graduation ceremonies. 
Let’s dissuade the parents from dressing the kids with adult contents, like the make ups, weave-on, etc. 
Let us help the children enjoy their childhood. 
It’s time to begin to dictate the mode and manner of dressing at school’s events.Let there be dress codes for all the children that is devoid of suggestive and immoral dressing.
Let us dissuade the parents from subtly introducing the children to premature adulthood.

Don’t be a 21st Century parent who cannot correct a child. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Prov.22:6.)

May Almighty God never let this be our portion. Amen.


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