Boys Scout and Girls Guide in schools; the Need to Revive them.

Some traditional organisations that uphold conventional norms and values need to be retained in the face of changing circumstances. Unfortunately, some of these organizations could not come in correspondence with the change that the new change in circumstance compels. One of these is the Boys Scout and Girls Guide.

The Boy Scouts and Girl Guides organizations are movements of centuries ago across the world. They are aimed at building good character by building strong minds and body. Their mission largely enhances educational progression of young people through a value system. They have a long history of promoting character development, leadership skills, communal living and community service in young people.

In recent years, these organizations have been losing relevance in the Nigerian educational system, in churches and in the society. There are several reasons for this decline in popularity which include changing social attitudes, competition from other extracurricular activities, lack of resources/mobilisation, lack of interest and trained personnel etc

One of the main reasons for the decline in popularity of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in Nigeria is changing social attitudes. In the past, these organizations were seen as important for instilling traditional values such as self-reliance, discipline, and respect for authority. However, as Nigerian society has become more urbanized and modernized, these values have been challenged by new cultural norms and values. Young people today are often more interested in social media, music, and sports than in the traditional activities offered by these organizations.

Another factor contributing to the decline in popularity of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in Nigeria is competition from other extracurricular activities. Many schools and communities now offer a wide range of extracurricular activities, from sports teams to drama clubs to coding classes etc. Young people today have many more options for how they can spend their free time, and they may not see the value in joining these traditional organizations.

Lack of resources and mobilisation is also a contributing factor to the decline in popularity of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides in Nigeria. Many schools and communities simply do not have the resources to support these organizations. They may lack funding for equipment and supplies, or they may not have enough trained leaders to oversee the activities. This can make it difficult to attract and retain young people who are interested in joining.

Another issue that has contributed to the declining popularity of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides is a perception that these organizations are outdated and irrelevant. Some young people view the traditional activities offered by these organizations as old-fashioned and boring. They may not see the value in learning how to tie knots or build a fire, for example, when they can learn more practical skills like coding or public speaking.

Again, lack of interest and trained personnel made it difficult for succession in these organizations. The trained ones are losing interest without training others that will in turn train others. The circle has been dibanded making progression difficult.

In conclusion, the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides organizations have been losing relevance in the Nigerian educational system for reasons stated above. However, despite these challenges, it is important to recognize the valuable role that these organizations can play in promoting character development, leadership skills, resourcefulness, community service and communal living in young people. To remain relevant, these organizations must adapt to changing times and find new ways to engage young people in meaningful and relevant activities that promote their personal growth and development. It has proven to be the most active youth program that promotes resilience and social mobility geared towards developing the potential of pupils from a very young age. Therefore, it is Imperative that we retain the basic practices of these organizations, remodel it to align with the prevailing circumstances. By so doing, young people will regain interest to revive the organizations towards better and greater results.

Amara Ann Unachukwu

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