Sometimes we have many things to ask.
We have people to talk to.
We have someone to beg for a favour.
We know people we can seek business dealings or partnerships with.
We have a friend we can ask for anything as little as an explanation.
We know celebrities or influencers we could reach out to, to boost our visibility.
People around us have the answers to our questions or are in a position to help us.

But many things hold us back.

It’s not always pride, most times, it’s the fear of rejection. The disappointment of hearing a No. The pain of asking without receiving.

It may be a genuine No with a clear explanation. While one part of the brain is understanding it, the other is feeling furious about it.

Don’t worry.
It’s okay to be furious but it shouldn’t stop you from asking especially in cases where helpers are limited and where you can’t sort that alone. We all have asked for help, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of.

Don’t be deterred.
Instead of allowing that problem to consume you, ask, knock and seek as the bible says. The answer may come sooner or later from either that person or the least expected.

Age/status is not a barrier.
You can seek help from a younger person. A junior colleague, relative, friend, staff or even a child.

One thing is certain. Once you’re with God and you believe in yourself, God can touch any heart to help you. Sometimes it comes from the least expected.

To children and young adults, don’t look at that Uncle or Aunt as too busy for you or too big to listen to you. Shoot your shot and keep shooting. You never can tell who is your answered prayer.

To my fellow adults, that help you seek may come from that child in your space. Dont underate them. ASK!

You see this child here, sometimes I run to her for help and she hardly runs out of ideas or solutions.

✍️ Amara Ann Unachukwu

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