The Distance Between Time and Space




Curiosity has long been considered the world’s greatest flaw, capable of driving one to extraordinary lengthsโ€”even through time itself. And Esther embodied that curiosity. She lived in a secluded village, so remote it wasnโ€™t even on the map. The people there were few, and life was quiet, until one fateful day when curiosity led Esther down a path she never could have imagined.

It all started when she spotted a man walking into a dark valley near her home, a man she had never seen before. He wore a crisp white coat and smart black trousers, and he carried an air of mystery. As he approached an old door hidden in the valley, she watched from afar as he punched a code into a keypad. The door clicked open, and he disappeared inside.

Of course, Esther followed. She had always had a photographic memory, and recalling the code was easy. With a deep breath, she entered the numbers and quietly slipped through the door behind him. She descended a long, dimly lit staircase. Her heart pounded, but excitement fuelled her every step.

The man was gone by the time she reached the bottom, leaving her alone in what looked like a secret laboratory. A strange tube stood in the centre of the room, and scattered around were papers, wires, and strange devices. After some searching, she found a sheet of paper with a bold title that stopped her in her tracks: “Time Machine.”

Esther blinked, confused. A time machine? No, that canโ€™t be real, she thought. But her curiosity refused to let her walk away. She stepped toward the machine, her fingers tracing its surface before she found the controls. Without thinking twice, she punched in the year 3049. The machine whirred to life, and within moments, everything around her shifted.

When the movement stopped, Esther stepped outside, only to find herself in a city unlike anything she had ever seen. Towering buildings scraped the sky, lights flashed from everywhere, and strange floating vehicles zipped by. She glanced around in disbelief. Her small village was gone, replaced by a futuristic metropolis.

She wandered through the streets, awestruck by the sights and sounds. People moved quickly, dressed in shimmering clothes that seemed to change colours in the light. She felt lost but exhilarated. As she looked up, she saw a massive screen displaying the year: 3049.

Esther’s heart raced. The time machine had worked. She had travelled over a thousand years into the future.

As she tried to make sense of it all, she found herself drawn to a parkโ€”one of the few green spaces amidst the skyscrapers. She sat down on a bench, overwhelmed by the enormity of what she had done. How would she get back? Did she even want to go back?

Suddenly, the man from the valleyโ€”the one who had led her hereโ€”sat down beside her. He looked different, as if he belonged in this time. Esther quickly pulled her hood up, hoping he wouldnโ€™t recognize her, but her curiosity burned again. She had to know more.

“Excuse me,” she said, her voice barely a whisper. “Do you know what this place is?”

The man turned to her, a knowing smile on his face. “This place? You’re in New Haven, the largest city in the Northern Quadrant. You seem lost.”

Esther hesitated. “I’mโ€ฆ from a village. A small one. Very far away,” she said, trying to keep her story simple.

The man studied her, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “Youโ€™re not from around here, are you?” he said. “Time travellers always have that lookโ€”like they donโ€™t quite fit in.”

Esther’s heart skipped a beat. How could he know?

“Youโ€™ve traveled through time,” the man continued, his voice calm. “But the machine you usedโ€”itโ€™s unstable. Youโ€™ve opened a rift. If it collapses, time itself could unravel.”

Esther felt a wave of panic. “What do you mean?” she asked, her voice shaking. “How do I fix it?”

The manโ€™s expression turned serious. “Youโ€™ll need to find the machine’s original creator. Only they can stabilize the rift. And they exist in the year 2112.”

“2112?” Esther repeated, her mind spinning. She hadnโ€™t planned on more time travel, but it seemed there was no other choice.

“Youโ€™ll have to be careful,” the man warned. “The more you meddle with time, the greater the risk.”

Esther nodded, determination filling her chest. She had made a mistake, but she would find a way to fix itโ€”even if it meant diving deeper into the unknown.

With a deep breath, Esther stood and began her journey. She wasnโ€™t just playing with time anymore. She was responsible for holding it together.

โœ๏ธ Chizzy Unachukwu

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