Dorothy Day was a radical American journalist, born in 1897. She had no interest in religion even though she lived close to the Catholic church and always encountered people going to mass daily. Sometimes, she would follow the crowd out of curiosity and watch as they prayed, yet she wasn’t converted because her beliefs and lifestyle did not conform to that of the Christian faith. With time, her encounters at the church made her develop a longing for God, especially after she read the autobiography of St Theresa of Lisieux. She eventually got baptised and became a Catholic. She got pregnant for her lover and had an abortion. She got pregnant again and refused to abort it because of the influence of the church. She had her baby and named her Tamar Theresa, after St Theresa of Lisieux and from then, she became deeper into the Catholic faith.

In her nature as a political radical, she embraced Christianity with some radicalism. Her encounter with Peter Maurin who shared the same desire for radical Christianity made her dreams come through and together, they started a worldwide movement known as the Catholic Worker where they built a society that’s rooted in the gospel. Their activities promoted Catholic social teaching
and they cared for the poor and homeless and joined the civil rights movement. They also founded the Catholic Worker Newspaper and opened the House of Hospitality used to promote justice, mercy and works of charity.

Dorothy spent the whole of her remaining life in this great work of humanity and until she died in 1980, she found genuine fulfilment in knowing and living a life she chose out of her conviction that help is the best love we can show to each other and the greatest makeover we can wear on our faces.

In reality, we get a new look through a new makeover, a new wardrobe, a new hairstyle or new fashion accessories. It always feels good to have a makeover and glowing look because it transforms the physical look into an extraordinary beautiful new image. In the same way, the mental and intellectual makeover transforms the mind and the spirit into an exquisite space for extraordinary exploits. This transformative effect of the mind enchants the mind’s ideology and renews its perspective for better reasoning.

Just Like Dorothy Day whose spiritual makeover transformed and gravitated her mind towards the works of humanity, we need a makeover that brings some positive changes in our lives and that of others.

Usually, a lot of effort, money and time is put into a new facelift. The more effort put in, the more expensive products used, the more money spent and the more time and attention that is put in, determine how beautiful the outcome of a face makeover will be. On the same note, the mental ability to think, reason, and act what is sensible and appropriate determines the result of a mind makeover.

Have you ever doubted yourself? Have you ever been deceived to think that luck plays out in whatever that’s achieved? Do you believe in impossibility? Do you downplay the strategies of success? Do you listen to your positive inner voices? Do you allow negative influences to rule your life? Do you have confidence and self-belief? Have you taken control of your life? What plans do you haveto live your desired life? For a good response to these questions, you need a makeover experience!

What you think, what you feel, and what you believe in are the make-up you need for your makeover. Just Like there’s a facelift, there’s a mind lift. Just Like you take control of your face when you do a makeover, you take control of your mind and its imaginary ideas, to transform your life. Just Like you know your skin colour, and your make-up shades for your perfect look, you know your strength, your skills and your abilities for your perfect guide.

The greatest instrument of change is rooted in the makeover of the mind. It is the indicator of achieving the best of your desires. Thoughts are processed in the mind, and with good efforts, they ripple out into an accomplished goal. The practical application of these thoughts is what drives the goal and leads to success. When you choose your thought pattern, when you allow your mind to sieve and process it, when you reform it and set the path to its accomplishments, then you have made positive shifts in your thinking and have done a perfect makeover of your mind.

The result of a mind makeover is certainly more beautiful and more attractive than that of a face makeover. The beauty of it is that, unlike the face makeover that gets washed off and repeated on every occasion, a mind makeover is long-lasting and continuously yields immeasurable achievements.

โœ๏ธAmara Ann Unachukwu

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