God’s Way (Morning shine for teens and kids from 4 to 16 years)
Bible verse:1corinthians :5:8
Sometimes in life you may be going through a bad phase which was brought upon you by your carelessness or lack of focus.and you will become insecure and at the same time wished others the same in your prayers, it’s totally wrong and God does not answer a bad prayer.
There was a student called Tobe, he was not having anytime to study his books and in the examination he didn’t do well, even before the results was published he already knew what will be his results, instead of Tobe to pray for God’s intervention,he started praying that his neighbor who attends the same school with him and in the same class should also have a low grade so that he will convince his parents that the examination was just difficult.
The day results was published as he was going to check his own he saw his neighbor heading the same direction and he prayed in his heart, ‘God please let Leke fail so that dad will not be angry at me for failing’ , but when Leke saw his results he was so amazed with joy. Tobe’s bad prayers was not answered.
Dearly beloved God does not answer bad prayers so don’t pray it for anyone cos it will be a waste of prayers. it’s considered a sin by God.
Prayer: God give me the grace not to take jealousy to the place of prayer in Jesus name amen
Memory verse:1corinthians 5:8
✍️ Samuel PeterOfili