Episode 13


Nkpuru onye kuru ka o ga aghota 3

The corpse was lying on the road side, with passerbys gathered some feet around it, some with their phones out to record the moment. No one knew how the body had gotten there, the residents had woken this morning to be greeted by the scene.

The Police was alerted and soon they landed, their presence dispatching the curious spectators. The body was loaded in a body bag after forensic had done their jobs.

Cause of death- Multiple gun shots on the chest.
Sex- Male
Identity- Not know
Time of death- Not know

The Police had no time to dilly dally on this. The case was wrapped and the corpse deposited in the mortuary. There were bigger fishes to fry than seeking after the killer of an unknown person. Cult clash they concluded and that was that.

He drove to the den, a bitter bile on his mouth. He had gone to Julian’s house after trying without success to reach her and was greeted by an empty house. His money was gone too! She had stolen from him and fled. Never in his wildest dreams did he think Julian would betray him this way. She must have a death wish and must be more stupid than he presume if she thinks she could escape him. Oh what he would do to her when he finds her!

He couldn’t reach Tony either. After yesterday of asking him to replace Kasidy at Julian’s, they had talked a couple of times and nothing more.

Tony had assured him Julian was stationed put in her home and had gone nowhere all day. Today however, he could reach neither of them. Maybe Tony had gone to the den and had missed Julian leave the house with his money! He would skin the man alive if this was the case!

Tony was no daft. He was meticulous, calculative and reliable. The very reasons he had asked him to replace Kasidy. But he wasn’t in their hideout!

He met Axil, Cross and Job in the den, busy on a game of chess.

“Where’s Kasidy?” He asked looking around for the young man, maybe he would know a little of what was happening. He had last seen Tony yesterday.
” He never returned yesterday boss and we haven’t seen him all morning too.” Job answered while still focused on the game.

Why was that? He wondered. He had specifically told him to return to the den once Tony took over from him. Why didn’t he obey? Had something happened?

He placed a call through to Kasidy’s phone and the number was switched off.

What the hell was going on? He swore silently.

He left the den as hurriedly as he had come, driving straight to Tony’s apartment. No one was home. He waited all day to hear from any of them but didn’t. Something told him he never would.

The four Detectives bidded their time. They had everything they needed to seal up the case. It would be a big one. The press would have a field day if it came to the open. The Police would be swamped day and night as it was with these human interest stories.

They had worked for nine solid months, painstakingly gathering every details necessary all in top secret. No other in the force knew their assignment except the Chief Superintendent and the State Commissioner. That was as confidential as it got and the only reason they had succeeded so far.

The gang had pulled two more kidnappings since the investigation, now the police had enough evidence for court when it comes to that. They would be rounding up the gang today, the shot has been called. The entire force was now involved.

Sergeant Thomas felt hot and sweaty as he watched with beady eyes the scene unfolding before him. He felt his bald head burn from the hot scorching sun, a chill enveloping his entire body. Was this going to be it? The end of him and his career. If Dale and his boys were caught, he and a few other cops would go down too.

Dale needed to be eliminated. He couldn’t be captured alive. His death would sweep everything under the carpet. Dead men tell no tales.

@Oraka Judith

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